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'True service in health & well-being is to empower one to know their own body'


~ Sara Harris

Sara brings a warmth, lightness and steadiness to her sessions in counselling, massage (specialising in pregnancy & post-natal massage) and also offers specialised health and well-being support for women in their menstrual and reproductive health. To further the support offered to girls and women, Sara has also completed a Masters of Women’s Health Medicine and has developed an online platform with resources and programs to support women with this health and wellbeing. 


As a mother, a business owner, a trainer & educator, an employee, family member and friend, Sara values quality in relationships and is interested and active in bringing awareness to the understanding of true and sustainable health in our communities.

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With over 2  decades in this field of health, Sara’s qualifications include a Bachelor of Health Science, Diploma of Remedial Massage, Graduate Diploma in Counselling, Advanced Certificate in Natural Fertility Education and Cert IV Training & Assessment, along with many other courses and workshops and a commitment to continually develop and grow within and ahead of the industry. You will find Sara’s writing published on various health and well-being websites and she presents and facilitates regularly on relevant topics, particularly on aspects of women’s health and what it means to live as a woman in our current times.

Empowering people to understand and know themselves and their bodies is the foundation of what Sara shares. Her depth of care for people is at the core of her practice and is also what informs her work, her relationships and her life as a whole. True health includes a knowing of one’s worth and living with an inner-settlement, confidence and commitment to life. In understanding that life itself is medicine, means there is no aspect of life that can be exempt from health-care and the whole person needs to be included. This is what Sara lives and therefore works by.


You’ll be met with someone that deeply cares about your wellbeing and will inspire you to do the same. Sara’s approach comes from the understanding that your relationship with yourself and your body is the most important relationship you will ever have. 

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Sara’s fascination with the mind-body relationship and her keen interest in understanding people and the way we live, has led her to committing to a level of health and healing in her life that has brought a deep settlement, ease, joy and vitality on a daily basis. This has inspired her to bring a quality and level of service to her clients that is supportive and sustainable. She recognises the enormous benefit in being aware of one’s body and re-connecting back to a quality of stillness that is innate within us all. Sara has found that supporting and empowering people to come back to this, offers and inspires a new-found commitment and responsibility to one’s own health and overall well-being.


Sara’s sessions are deeply supportive and attentive to the individual to bring an understanding of the specific needs of every client.

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" I believe we are not defined by our experiences in life but can be very much enriched in how we respond to them when we get the right support and have a willingness to learn and grow."
~ Sara

‘We have to get away from thinking that health is just about the physical body. Health is about your feelings of value and worth and living in a way that does not adhere to the vast array of ideals and beliefs that we take on from very young’ 

Get in touch with Sara to find out more about how she can support you or make an online booking today.

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© 2024 Sara Harris unless otherwise stated

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